Outstanding Research Paper Topics To Choose From

Selecting a good research topic is the key to impressing the reader. An interesting topic can grant a set of advantages to a student. An unusual topic of your research work will be definitely remembered by the audience. You won’t be able to write something really nice unless you are not interested in the work you are creating.

There are some very important factors that greatly influence the quality of the research paper topic. See below the most vital points to be taken into consideration during the selection of the research topic.

  • Select the sphere of science that is interesting for you.

  • The topic must be trendy.

  • Don’t be afraid to be innovative.

  • The supervisor must be interested in your topic too.

  • Narrow the topic to some specific theme.

  • Prepare strong material base.

  • Work on the aspects that can solve some present day problems.

In addition, here is the list of some attractive research paper topics from various fields of science.

  1. What is the potential of nanotechnologies in treating incurable diseases?

  2. What were the reasons of Salem witch trials?

  3. Is it possible to avoid commotions between the representatives of various religions?

  4. How does a virtual life change the perception of the world among teenagers?

  5. What was the role of drugs in the ancient religious rituals?

  6. How can we fight terrorism without engaging in wars?

  7. What are the peculiarities of business management in Asian countries?

  8. How can people become eco friendly by using alternative sources of energy?

  9. Is the possibility to colonize space real or is it a product of science fiction?

  10. What are the tendencies in the development of modern new age religious movements?

  11. Can serial killers be rehabilitated or should they be sentenced to death?

  12. What is the technology of making armor vests and ways of its improvement?

  13. What are the peculiarities of kids’ development in homosexual families?

  14. Is chronic fatigue syndrome a serious disease and what are the ways of treating it?

  15. What are the methods of enhancing human bodies and augmentations’ influence on human behavior?

  16. What are the ways of overcoming economic crisis and how can we avoid its repetition?

  17. What are the signs of evolution in modern people?

  18. Does the fashion dictate the morality to the society?

  19. Do parents vegetarians, who make their children be vegetarians as well, harm them?

  20. What are the ways of improving recycling systems in the countries of the 3rd world?

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